Tuesday, January 21, 2014

"Happy Utopia Day, Joe McCarthy!" Literary Review

Happy Utopia Day, Joe McCarthyHappy Utopia Day, Joe McCarthy by J.T. Lundy
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

After receiving this book in the mail from Goodreads First Reads Giveaways, I was thoroughly impressed with this espionage parody and the adventurous misfortune that happened to besiege the protagonist throughout the fun, quirky plot.

Chris Thompson leads a simple life with a simple job, but receives a sporadic assignment from the President that then leads him onto a secret mission with guns, fast cars, political mysteries and the overall James Bond persona. His mission? McCarthyism is slowly inching its way back into the United States and he needs to stop it before its too late!

The premise of the book, along with memories of your US History class, may make you think twice about picking up this novel from author JT Lundy, but beware of a missed opportunity should you neglect to pick it up. Not only will you laugh out loud, you'll envision a story that reminds one of a slapstick comedy and spy thriller. It's "Pineapple Express" meets "Casino Royale", and the fusion is irresistible!

I received this book from Goodreads in exchange for my honest, unbiased opinion.

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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

"Lookaway, Lookaway" Audiobook Review

Lookaway, LookawayLookaway, Lookaway by Wilton Barnhardt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

To satisfy the Southern stereotype that is projected consistently by narrator Scott Shepard, "Lookaway, Lookaway" is a cool mint julep that soothes the reader's soul but leaves them woozy with family drama that rivals mobster movies and reality television shows.

Jerene Jarvis Johnston is a classic Southern belle who will do anything to maintain the class and integrity of her retired politician husband, and their four children, Beau, Annie, Josh and Jerelynn, despite decades of scandal and mishaps that targets the honorable Johnston name. Not only is this drama an entertaining read due to the engaging plot, but the presentation of the story from different characters perspectives just add even more to the story-- every family member has something to contribute to the family name, regardless if they want to or not. And get ready- actions have consequences, and this audiobook has the reader screaming at the characters ready to realize something pivotal...before it's too late.

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"Dune" Literary Review

Dune (Dune Chronicles, #1)Dune by Frank Herbert
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Hailed as a Science-Fiction masterpiece, there are many reasons why anyone who considers themselves an intellectual should pick up Herbert's classic.

1. There is a TON of planning in it! Down to political views, ecological standpoints, and hierarchies, there is nothing that comes close to the exemplary structure that unfolds within this three "book" compilation that takes place on a fictional, futuristic planet. However, one thing that I struggled with was losing track of what was going on. Read this in a secluded area, away from distraction, both physical and mental. AKA, reading this while starting back to school was NOT a good idea.

2. Paul, a "chosen one" figure, is well-developed, but what I particularly enjoyed was the development of others around him. Most stories with this stereotype, tend to focus on that character and their entirety, whereas this is not the case.

3. Sci-Fi addict? READ THIS BOOK! Nuff said. Whether you're hard-core, occasional or the oncer who has picked up a futuristic novel, then you would enjoy this novel.... If you've never picked up a Sci-Fi delectable, dive into something simpler, such as "Ender's Game" or even Stephenie Meyer's "The Host" to get an idea of the structure and absurdity.

Overall, a great book, there's no denying that, but this was a struggle for me to get through. I had to keep turning back due to distraction and it was a difficult read that I couldn't wait to shelve onto the "no way no how" shelf, simply because I couldn't wait for it to end and I could pick something else to read. :(

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